Thursday 1 September 2016

just a dog review

This book is so good for anyone to read and  it is so interesting.Some dogs change everything and some dogs don't when something is going to happen they don't know but Mr. Mossely those.How would  you feel if someone said it was only just a dog you will never fill very sad and like you wouldn't want it any more
There is something that is just a dog. Because Mr. Mossely did things that a dog couldn't even do because Corey and his family teaches him something that he have never done before.Mr. Mossely has black dots a white skin he also know thing that family and Corey does not know my
You should read just a dog because it so interesting and it so good for you to read it to your family or your school or to your Mom or dad.The story my favourite part of the story is when Amelia was drawing on Mr Mossely Corey's family was laughing they could it stop laughing they were in tears.
The story could have been better uncle Gaven didn't had to come to there house all the time.The story could have been better if Mr Mossely didn't have to run away.

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